Monday, September 10, 2007

Goodbye Tent!

Woo Hoo! Like Christmas in September. I have moved into my relatively palatial accommodations in the barracks.

Now, really it doesn't seem like much, a mere 160 square feet for two guys. I have a bed, complete with lumpy mattress and all. I have a desk, fridge, TV, and a wall locker. My roommate and I share the TV and the fridge. Fortunately, we don't have to share the bed! Ha Ha Ha.

I got a pretty good roommate. He's a real good guy, been here about 8 months. He works in a completely different part of the organization than I do which is nice. It's good to get different perspective and get to be around different people. I spend about 12 hours a day at work, so I really have no desire to hang around those guys after work. Not that they are not good folks, it' s just that after 12-15 hours everyday you really just want to see somebody else!

So these are my digs. Complete with my MacBook! We have wireless. $35/month with an average rate of 52 kBps! For those that aren't geeks, that's slower than US dialup. Yeah shitty, but way better than those guys in the tents where I used to be who have nothing.

Really that's what it's all about now. "This sucks Felix. Yeah Jeb. But it could suck so much worse. I got a buddy, he...blah blah blah." Really makes me appreciate just how much I had at home. By God when I get back I am going to take advantage of it. Really. I'm proud of America. We have a lot, and we should. My great uncles didn't all go trough this same stuff, and worse, so we could be second best. They went and did, as I am doing, because they believed in America. I'd like to think they also subscribed to the higher moral cause of believing that people should be free from tyranny and oppression. If they didn't and they went and fought just because they wanted America to be on top, that's good enough for me! I feel a real connection to those men now. When I get back I am damn sure gonna enjoy America and all that comes with being American!


Unknown said...

Cushy! When I shared a room that size with Lisa in Korea, we DID have to share the bed! :)

Chris said...

.............................................................................Oh, I'm sorry. Emily's comment distracted me...for just a moment........

OK> I'm back.

Hey Dave, Major, Sir. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that frilly thing hanging from the wardrobe sure looks like a LOOFA. I know that because my WIFE uses one. (What the hell have they done to you?!?!- was it the Austrailains?

Anonymous said...

Dave, Mike Here...despite my desires, and all the potential, I will pass on dissing you about your loofa, or body wash, etc. Best wishes and our thoughts are with you!