Sunday, July 8, 2007

My First Time

OK. Go easy on me. This is my first post on my first blog.

I started this blog because I am deploying to the Middle-East in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I wanted an easy, efficient, effective way to update a bunch of people at once. I surmise by the massive number of blogs that this is not an original idea. Time will tell if it was a good one.

A couple of things before I get started.:
  1. This blog represents my own personal thoughts. The thoughts and ideas presented here do not in any way represent military or Army wide thought.
  2. I am a Soldier, I fight where I am told and I win where I fight. I volunteered for this profession and for this deployment, knowing full well the hazards of both. DO NOT expect to find in theses pages condemnation, praise, criticism, or support for political efforts for which I have been sent to execute. There are plenty of other outlets for that.
  3. I Love my God, my Family and my Country. I will fight for all three, in that order. I will defend them each, but I will not waste my limited time defending my Love for them to you.
  4. If you are some scum sucking terrorist or sympathizer looking for intel in an effort to support a cowardly assault on us, read on and check back often. This will give us maximum opportunity to find you, and find you we will.
If you are still with me I ask your indulgence for the remainder of this literary effort. I intend these pages to be riddled with menu's of what I ate, things I saw, the high temp for the day, what my quarters look like, who my commrades are and every other mundane detail of life. It is my hope that through this blog my family and friends can remain connected to me and I to them. I do not expect to return home unchanged, nor do I expect things at home to remain static in anticpation of my return. I expect much will be different, and much better.