Monday, August 27, 2007

Making the Grade

Being the studious sort I am, I started a Master's program about 3 weeks before I found out I was deploying. I thought I would have plentty of time and few distractions so I would be able to knock out a class easy. Well things changed quickly. Alas in the middle of Deploying, moving Emily back to DC, selling a house, and packing up the house I had to complete this class.

Now, I really am no kind of student. In fact I hate school, always have. All that being as it is I am happy to report that I have completed my first class and received a passing grade. In fact I received a 98.79%!!!! Yeah it is that big a deal that I decided it needed to go on the blog.

1 comment:

Monica said...

good job, Dave! i see that the plagiarism paper went over well. :) i hope you are doing well and had a good flight over. i'm enjoying your blog! - monica