Saturday, January 12, 2008

This better not be 1/2 the fun!

I made it to Qatar for my 4 day pass. Believe it or not that stunning model of efficiency known the world over as the US Military was able to move me, by air, a scant 400 miles in just under 8 hours! Yeah no shit. I cant give you all the details but suffice to say civilian air travel is looking a whole lot better.

We made it to Qatar on a C-130, which is a cargo plane. These aircraft are truly the workhorses of the Air Force. Some of these airframes are as old as I am! For those that are reading this from back home in Ohio, these are the aircraft we have in Vienna.

The aircrew did a great job and we had a very smooth and enjoyable flight. We were lucky because we only had about 60 personnel in our group or "chalk" and the plane can hold a lot more. A C-130 is designed for work, not comfort. When you ride in one you sit along the wall and in the middle so you are actually sitting perpendicular to the planes forward movement. The seats are metal frame benches with canvas stretched over them so they can swing up and out of the way when not needed. Since our chalk was so small we were able to stretch out and relax. It was pretty late after a very long day so most everybody crashed. The pic is from my seat in the middle looking at the starboard side of the aircraft. The crew chief had just put up the POW flag and I thought the red glow of the lights gave it a cool "im in the Army" sort of pic.

We made it to Qatar and everybody crashed until the afternoon. I am off to explore and see what there is to see. Next up: Day 1!

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