Saturday, November 3, 2007

300 and Flat G

I am happy to report I have broken the 300 barrier! I am under 300 days remaining in theater. I realize this doesn't seem like all that big a deal, but it is one of those landmarks. The next, in case you are wondering will be the 101st day. That will occur on 05 December.

In other news Flat G has arrived! Finally after months away Flat G has found me again and is diligently watching my every move. Flat G is an interpretation of the popular children's book "Flat Stanley" This all stems from my tour in Korea. A buddy of mine, Mike, has a son named Charlie that sent him a drawing of himself. The drawing was a "flat" representation of himself, Flat Charlie. The idea was that Mike would take the picture around Korea take pictures and write his son about where "they" went. This would be a way for the two of them to bond and tosatisy a class project for Charlie.

Well, we got hold of this and started taking Flat Charlie everywhere. We took Flat Charlie to work, out to dinner, up to Seoul. We even took him places 3D Charlie, or for that matter any of us should not have been! After a few trips to places I liked to go Mike decided he didn't want his son, flat or otherwise hanging around with me and took him back. Unfortunately Flat Charlie was left in the back seat of a cab by his dad after a Korean wedding. Ooohhh the horror and loss! Somebody decided we needed a new friend and alas Flat G was born.

Flat G is a picture of our Team Commander in Korea. Again we took him everywhere. This time though we decided to send him around to people that had been part of the unit. Flat G went with some folks to Thailand, went to Ft Lewis with me, was in D.C. with Mike and Toni. Now Flat G is here with me. I was thinking about creating a Flat G blog all it's own. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Dave, I just told Toni that we needed to start a Flat G site...make it so, "number 1"!!! And by the way, I will get you some Flat G Shots in CA, but I will eventually need the Clone as the Framed one is hard to carry around.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.