Either way I got to meet the famous "LT Dan" of Forest Gump fame. I should note here that Mr. Sinise is a tremendous supporter of the US military. He has worked hard to start a project that would create a memorial to wounded military personnel and he started a fund that helps Iraqi children. He has many other accomplishments to his name, but even he admits he is most recognized as "Lieutenant Dan".
So this is how I spent one of my last few days here. I should be home and drinking beer again by the beginning of August. It has been a tremendously long year. In ways that are difficult to articulate it has been rewarding, but all in all I could have done with out it. Its war and I had it really, really easy. I have such great respect for those folks up "in the shit" at places like Tallil, Camp Delta, FOB War Horse and basically anywhere in Afghanistan.
Kuwait is not war. By definition if you are not getting shot at or at least under threat of being shot at you really can't call it "war". That’s not to say it doesn’t suck or that it isn't hard. It was hard and it did suck, but it wasn't as bad as those up north have it. But the powers that be call it a war zone, so it is. I came here because this is where they told me my fight was, and so here I fought.
Thanks to all of you that supported me with cards, emails, prayers, boxes, cookies, letters and thoughts of good will. Your many kindnesses and generosity will not be forgotten. Thanks also to my brothers and sisters in arms, wherever you are. No matter your station, that you stand your watch is amazing testament to you as a person. These are hard times and they have continued far beyond what most expected, but yet you stand your watch. To our Coalition Partners, especially Australia and Great Brittan thank you for standing shoulder to shoulder with us and bearing much of the weight of this load. Should you need me, your fight is my fight whenever you should call.
I leave you with a video put together by the Public Affairs Office. It is a pretty cool video to watch that paints the contrast between the Army of WWII and today while highlighting some of our capabilities and accomplishments.